JMeter的VS LoadRunner将在Vuser的条款(Jmeter vs LoadRunne

2019-07-29 10:25发布

我已经找到了矛盾的信息,一个说的JMeter能够产生更多的负载然后LR可以,其他的说法相反。 从我所知道的(如果我们不考虑牌),每LoadGenerator仅受硬件条件限制。 但这样是JMeter的。 该文件没有帮助我很多。 有没有人有这两种的经历让他能比? 我只是讲2 000〜4000个用户。 谢谢

Answer 1:

LoadRunner is known to run well with very high volume tests, as is, out of the box.

JMeter can typically hit issues with high throughput, high threaded tests in the following scenarios:

  1. Using one machine, with lots of listeners, running in GUI mode - this eats memory.
  2. Using distributed mode in default configuration with versions < 2.9 where there is not a problem to run the test on the Load Generator but there was a bottleneck sending results to the Master machine. This issue is reported to have been solved in 2.9 and throughput is claimed to be higher in 2.10.

The thing is, it's not that hard to solve JMeter's problems. It's simply a matter of best practice.

  1. Run from the command line and don't use lots of listeners. Lean and Mean mode.
  2. In distributed execution, use batch mode to reduce the volume of samples being written to one file in versions < 2.9 or use default configurations of >= 2.9.
  3. Make sure you distribute the test over sufficient hardware. This is the same for LoadRunner by the way.

You should read those 2 documents for other best-practices:


LoadRunner also has issues at high load - the Analysis and data collation phases can take hours (literally) and you can't get around this. If you have too much data to analyze you can also run into memory issues. Jmeter is not as comprehensive at results analysis but it is much quicker.

If you really need high volume tests then I wrote a script that effectively gives you infinite scalability with JMeter - I've tested it up to 20000 users making 8000 hits a second running over 50 servers. It's 'infinite' because it works by running lots of isolated tests that do not talk to each other until the end of the test, that way there is no bottleneck with compiling results. But there's always another bottleneck somewhere...

Answer 2:

这两种工具在你注意,2-4K用户级别有跟踪记录。 凡符合橡胶的道路是在质量Ÿ提供测试X,包括详细的分析所必需的劳动条件。 如果您正在调查这两个工具,那么你应该考虑在自己的应用POC。

记录您的脚本和您所需的独立分析任何工具的水平,然后聘请专家在这两种运行对您要求的POC。 时间所有的任务,甚至要求人们在工作和时间开始在你的文档中的任务结束,进入的时间点。 在POC结束比较这两个时间和输出。

你应该知道,当你去市场上获得任何工具,公然欺诈的技能,在性能测试市场水平的97%(或更高)数量级的专家。 你想雇人与正在考虑与多次提到的工具最强,时间最长的记录,否则你很可能得到的能力和一个的效率或两个工具一个可怕的扭曲的看法这将可能导致一个错误的决定上工具的选择。

希望聘请你可能不会在家里有技能或者工具。 许多人认为,性能测试工具代表了性能测试工作所需的技能的85-90%。 逆实际上是真实的,用的是成功所需的技能(关键技能)10%-15%之间运行该工具的技能。

Answer 3:

JMeter是贫困schlubs。 JMeter的只能测试某些类型的Java应用程序。 它不suppport ERP应用程序或Web 2.0。 你可以的JMeter挂钩到ERP应用,并尝试记录它。 6周后的JMeter仍然无法工作。

文章来源: Jmeter vs LoadRunner in terms of vusers