Query 1 works fine with the Oracle JDBC driver but Query 2 doesn't. I don't understand why. Please, could someone help me?
Query 1:
SELECT {fn pi()} FROM table;
Query 2:
SELECT pi() FROM table;
Query 1 works fine with the Oracle JDBC driver but Query 2 doesn't. I don't understand why. Please, could someone help me?
Query 1:
SELECT {fn pi()} FROM table;
Query 2:
SELECT pi() FROM table;
There is no native pi()
function in Oracle. The JDBC driver will simply replace that with a hardcoded value.
If you run
SELECT {fn pi()} FROM dual;
The driver will send:
SELECT ( 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 )
to the server - that's why you can use the {fn pi()}
against an Oracle database even though there is no such function available.
There doesn't seem to be any native function called PI. The error suggests that you haven't created a user-defined function either.
The {fn foo()}
syntax is provided by JDBC, thus won't work without it:
JDBC escape syntax for fn keyword
You can specify functions in JDBC escape syntax by using the fn keyword. Syntax
{fn functionCall}
is the name of one of the scalar functions listed below.
... and following the previous link we can see that the underlying PI() function is provided by Java DB and/or Apache Derby.