Is there something like an eval function equivalent in PySpark.
I am trying to convert Python code into PySpark
I am Querying a Dataframe and one of the Column has the Data as shown below but in String Format.
[{u'date': u'2015-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'NA'}, {u'date': u'2016-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'applicable'}, {u'date': u'2017-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'ufc'}]
Assume that 'x' is the column which holds this value in the Dataframe.
Now i want to pass in that String column 'x' and get the List so that i can pass it to mapPartition function.
I want to avoid iterating to each row on my Driver that's the reason i am thinking this way.
In Python using eval() function if used: I get below output:
x = "[{u'date': u'2015-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'NA'}, {u'date': u'2016-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'applicable'}, {u'date': u'2017-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'ufc'}]"
list = eval(x)
for i in list: print i
Output: (This is what i want in PySpark as well)
{u'date': u'2015-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'NA'}
{u'date': u'2016-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'applicable'}
{u'date': u'2017-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'ufc'}
How to do this in PySpark ??
You can benefit by using from_json
function to convert your json string to actual json. For that you will have to define a schema
matching to your json string. And finally use explode
function to separate the struct array to different rows as you did with eval
If you have a data as
x = "[{u'date': u'2015-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'NA'}, {u'date': u'2016-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'applicable'}, {u'date': u'2017-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'ufc'}]"
Then dataframe
is created
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(x,),], ["x"])
|x |
|[{u'date': u'2015-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'NA'}, {u'date': u'2016-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'applicable'}, {u'date': u'2017-02-08', u'by': u'', u'value': u'ufc'}]|
|-- x: string (nullable = true)
Using jsons
As I had explained, you would need a schema
, regexp_replace
function, from_json
function and explode
function as
from pyspark.sql import types as T
schema = T.ArrayType(T.StructType([T.StructField('date', T.StringType()), T.StructField('by', T.StringType()), T.StructField('value', T.StringType())]))
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = df.withColumn("x", F.explode(F.from_json(F.regexp_replace(df['x'], "(u')", "'"), schema=schema)))
which should give you
|x |
|[2015-02-08,,NA] |
|[2017-02-08,,ufc] |
|-- x: struct (nullable = true)
| |-- date: string (nullable = true)
| |-- by: string (nullable = true)
| |-- value: string (nullable = true)
If you require the json strings as mentioned in the question then you can use to_json
function as
df = df.withColumn("x", F.to_json(df['x']))
which will give you
|x |
|{"date":"2015-02-08","by":"","value":"NA"} |
|{"date":"2017-02-08","by":"","value":"ufc"} |
Using strings only
If you don't want to go through all the complexities of jsons then you can simply work with strings. For that you would need nested regex_replace
, split
and explode
functions as
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = df.withColumn("x", F.explode(F.split(F.regexp_replace(F.regexp_replace(F.regexp_replace(df['x'], "(u')", "'"), "[\\[\\]\s]", ""), "},\\{", "};&;{"), ";&;")))
which should give you
|x |
|{'date':'2015-02-08','by':'','value':'NA'} |
|{'date':'2017-02-08','by':'','value':'ufc'} |