I have built an angular directive onInputChange
that should fire a callback when the users changes a value of an input by either clicking outside of the input (blur) or hitting ENTER
. The directive can be used like:
<input type="number" ng-model="model" on-input-change="callback()"/>
It uses the following code:
app.directive('onInputChange', [
function ($parse) {
return {
restrict : "A",
require : "ngModel",
link : function ($scope, $element, $attrs) {
var dirName = "onInputChange",
callback = $parse($attrs[dirName]),
evtNS = "." + dirName,
initial = undefined;
if (angular.isFunction(callback)) {
.on("focus" + evtNS, function () {
initial = $(this).val();
.on("blur" + evtNS, function () {
if ($(this).val() !== initial) {
$scope.$apply(function () {
.on("keyup" + evtNS, function ($evt) {
if ($evt.which === 13) {
$scope.$on("$destroy", function () {
The directive works as I would expect in my app. Now I've decided to write some tests to really ensure this is the case:
describe("directive", function () {
var $compile, $rootScope, $scope, $element;
beforeEach(function () {
beforeEach(inject(function ($injector) {
$compile = $injector.get("$compile");
$scope = $injector.get("$rootScope").$new();
$scope.model = 0;
$scope.onchange = function () {
$element = $compile("<input type='number' ng-model='model' on-input-change='onchange()'>")($scope);
spyOn($scope, "onchange");
afterEach(function () {
it("has default values", function () {
it("should not fire callback on internal model change", function() {
$scope.model = 123;
//this fails
it("should not fire callback when value has not changed", function () {
it("should fire callback when user changes input by clicking away (blur)", function () {
//this fails
it("should fire callback when user changes input by clicking enter", function () {
$element.trigger($.Event("keyup", {keyCode:13}));
Now, my problem is that two of my tests are failing after run with karma:
Failed directive should not fire callback when value has not changed Expected spy onchange not to have been called.
Failed directive should fire callback when user changes input by clicking enter Expected spy onchange to have been called.
I've created a Plunker where you can try it yourself.
1. Why does my callback gets called even if the value has not changed?
2. How can I simulate the user hitting ENTER
on my input? I already tried different ways but none works.
Sorry for the long question. I hope I was able to provide enough information so that maybe someone can help me out on this. Thank you :)
Other questions here on SO that I've read regarding my issue:
- How do I trigger a keyup/keydown event in an angularjs unit test?
- AngularJS unit test for keypress event