How to pivot columns and update the pivoted data a

2019-07-29 06:21发布


I have a table with the following columns:

GLLink int
Budget01 float
Budget02 float
Budget03 float
Budget04 float
Budget05 float
Budget06 float
Budget07 float
Budget57 float
Budget58 float
Budget59 float
Budget60 float

For each column, there is 8 rows because of my filter.

All of these columns has values.

I need to set each columns value to zero, however I have the understanding that I would need to pivot the data and then update afterwards?

I know you can just transpose the results in Excel and then develop you query in Excel, however, I would like to know how to achieve this without using Excel.

After the transpose in Excel, my update query would look like this:

update Budgets set Budget01 = 0 where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like '3200>%')
update Budgets set Budget02 = 0 where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like '3200>%')
update Budgets set Budget03 = 0 where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like '3200>%')
update Budgets set Budget04 = 0 where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like '3200>%')
update Budgets set Budget05 = 0 where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like '3200>%')
update Budgets set Budget06 = 0 where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like '3200>%')
update Budgets set Budget07 = 0 where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like '3200>%')
update Budgets set Budget57 = 0 where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like '3200>%')
update Budgets set Budget58 = 0 where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like '3200>%')
update Budgets set Budget59 = 0 where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like '3200>%')
update Budgets set Budget60 = 0 where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like '3200>%')

How would I need to develop the same update query in SQL, without using Excel and taking all of the above in consideration?


Use the One Update To Rule Them All

update Budgets 
Budget01 = 0,
Budget02 = 0,  
Budget03 = 0,  
Budget59 = 0,
Budget60 = 0
where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like '3200>%')

Or use Dynamic SQL


declare @Cols NVARCHAR(max);
declare @DynSql NVARCHAR(max);

SELECT @Cols = concat(@Cols+', ',char(10), Col.Name, '=0')
  AND Obj.NAME = 'Budgets'
  AND Col.Name LIKE 'Budget[0-9][0-9]';

set @DynSql = N'update Budgets set '+ @Cols + char(10) +
'where GLLink in (select AccountLink from Accounts where Master_Sub_Account like ''3200>%'')';


Test on db<>fiddle here