Is there a way to install files to arbitrary locations with setuptools? I've used Data Files with setuptools before, but those are typically installed inside the package directory. I need to install a plugin file that will be located in the install directory of another application.
The data_files attribute will allow you to specify full paths.
You could also do some shutil.copy magic in your, except don't.
It seems that setuptools has purposely made it difficult to install files outside of the package directory.
I instead included the plugin files as package data and used the Entry Points feature of setuptools to expose the install/uninstall functions for the plugin files I wanted to distribute.
'console_scripts': [
'mypackage_install_plugins = mypackage:install_plugins',
'mypackage_uninstall_plugins = mypackage:uninstall_plugins',
I just added an additional step to the installation instructions to run the following command after installing the python package:
$> mypackage_install_plugins
Check out this answer:
Execute a Python script post install using distutils / setuptools
which shows how to add an arbitrary install script (python, shell, whatever) that runs at the end of the install. It'll run whther you use " install" directly, or a package manager like "pip install". With this, you can add any files you want, anywhere you want.
Unfortunately, I feel Brendan's pain - setuptools, not being a full package manager itself, does not handle the uninstall. Therefore, there's no way to have an uninstall hook to reverse what you did in the post-install script.