I'm having a struct like so...
struct ProductImage {
let id : String
let url : URL
let isDefault : Bool
struct Product {
let name : String
let id : String
var images = [ProductImage]()
var theRate : String
var quantity: String
var sku: String
var prdCateg: String
var prodDescr: String
init(name : String, id: String, theRate: String, quantity: String, sku: String, prdCateg:String, prodDescr: String) {
self.name = name
self.id = id
self.theRate = theRate
self.quantity = quantity
self.sku = sku
self.prdCateg = prdCateg
self.prodDescr = prodDescr
mutating func add(image: ProductImage) {
And when I click on a button on an item of the collectionview, I load a tableviewcell which has all the details present in the collection view cell like name, rate etc.This is done like so...
func SellBtnTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
let indexPath = collectionView?.indexPath(for: ((sender.superview?.superview) as! RecipeCollectionViewCell))
self.photoThumbnail = self.arrayOfURLImages[(indexPath?.row)!]
let myVC = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "productSellIdentifier") as! sellTableViewController
let productObject = productData1[(indexPath?.row)!]
if selectedItems == nil {
selectedItems = [Product(name:productObject.name, id: productObject.id, theRate: productObject.theRate, quantity: productObject.quantity, sku: productObject.sku, prdCateg: productObject.prdCateg, prodDescr: productObject.prodDescr)]
} else {
myVC.arrProduct = selectedItems
navigationController?.pushViewController(myVC, animated: true)
But the issue is I'm not able to pass the image properly.
Also in the viewcontroller from where the tableviewcell is loaded, this is how I am assigning the data in the cellForRowAt…
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell: sellTableViewCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "sellProductIdentifier") as! sellTableViewCell
cell.prdImgView?.image = self.appDelegate.commonArrayForURLImages[indexPath.row]
let product = arrProduct?[indexPath.row]
cell.produvtNameLabel.text = product?.name
cell.rateTextField.text = product?.theRate
cell.remStockLabel.text = product?.quantity
return cell
But the image displayed from the collectionview on each cell is not proper. In other words, the correct image from each indexpath is not shown...
Any help is appreciated...Thanks..:)