
Administrative relations of a place with openstree

2019-07-29 05:34发布


I did a lot of research about how to use overpass-api tried a lot of things on http://overpass-turbo.eu/ but i can't find the way to get the result i'm expecting ...

I would like with a query, to find all the relations a place has but only administrative relations (department of the place, region of the place, country) everyhting that is assimilated to an "AdministrativeArea"

Tried this with both nominatim and the overpass_api

If any of you guys have an idea Thanks !


Just use the following query to get the result:

is_in(45.6178738,4.6703107)->.a; rel(pivot.a)[boundary=administrative]; out tags;

I used the center point 45.6178738,4.6703107 to get all relevant relations this point is contained in.

Try it in overpass turbo: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/jQS