How to change my code to implement url-rewriting c

2019-07-29 05:17发布


I am using the follwoing code to rewrite my URL. everytime I click on the Profile link it works but adds EXTRA Profile/view to the end of address.

first time I click on view it changes it to

after that if I click the view again it will be (everytime I click it addes a /Profile to the address)



  <a href="<s:url action="Profile/view"/>" >Profile</a>


   <package name="default" extends="struts-default">
        <result-type name="tiles" class="org.apache.struts2.views.tiles.TilesResult"/>

      <action name="index">
        <result type="tiles">content</result>


  <package name="Profile" extends="default" namespace="/Profile">
  <action name = "*" method="{1}" class="com.myproject.Profile">
    <result name="View" type="tiles">Profile</result>
            <result name="Edit" type="tiles">Edit</result>

the problem is that everytime I click on view it does not remove the address and add the profile/view to the end of it. It just change the address from to


Difficult to say without the package declaration, but it looks like you're getting an extra namespace in the action because you're specifying it in the <s:url> tag as part of the action instead of using the namespace attribute.

If the current action is part of the Profile namespace it won't be added. If it isn't, it will. Using the namespace attribute handles it automatically, so you don't have to think about it.

Edited to reflect the completely unrelated question.

You are extending the struts-default package, which has no knowledge of the tiles result type. You need to extend your default, which does include the tiles result type, or tiles-default (or whatever it's called, I don't recall).