When going to the Google website and signin in you can click on the “Maps” option from the toolbar menu at the top of the page. Click on the “My Places” button and choose “Create Map.”
There you can select to trace a route, for example, this map: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=204898944445262337567.0004d03638beb43c93029&msa=0&ll=6.235122,-75.536343&spn=0.003088,0.004823
There's some know way that via JS (other languages are also welcome) , i could put a Pin (Marker) let say, 50 mts from the start of the route i traced? There are some distance data of the route within google, but i haven't found a good tutorial, or any answer on how doing this with these maps.
BTW, I can programatically draw a route and throw the Markers via code this way calculating the distance of the earth, but the thing is that the maps that i'm getting to start with are like the one in the link i wrote before, so the route is actually made by anyone.