I am working on an angular2 project, I have a file in assets folder and I have created a button to download the file while running the app.
I see there are quite a many solutions to the above problem so i got confused. Can you please help.
<button pButton type="button" (click)="f1()" label="Download Sample Defaults
XML File"></button>
I need code for f1() which can help me download the file to my Download folder when clicking on above button. Help appreciated. Thanks
You can either style an anchor element to look like a button and set it's href to assets/file
<a href="assets/file">Download here</a>
Or create an anchor element on the fly, set it's href element and click it.
Something like:
let link = document.createElement('a');
link.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
link.href = 'assets/file';
link.download = path;
You don't need to change the template. Use this way
f1() {
window.open('path', '_blank');
f1() {
window.open('/assets/images/blabla.png', '_blank');
If you need to download file instead of opening a new tab use a link with html5 download attribute
<a download="filename" target="_blank" href="/assets/images/blabla.png">
Click here to download image
you can try this solution
ts file code
let link = document.createElement("a");
link.download = "filename";
link.href = "assets/images/user-image.png";
html file code
<button (click)="downloadFile()">Download</button>
This should work, short sweet and simple, the "download" and "#"-"yoclickme" makes it work
<a href="{{ this.fileurl }}" download #yoclickme></a>
<button (click)="yoclickme.click()"> Download </button>