How do I chart aggregate data using the dygraphs l

2019-07-29 04:00发布


I am using the dygraphs library ( and I was wondering if there is a way for me to specify how to chart the y-axis.

My data looks something like the following (I load it from a CSV file):

Date,Stats 20121029,13 20121030,14 20121031,1 20121101,0 20121102,7 20121103,0 20121104,7

This is how my JS looks like:

<script type="text/javascript">
g3 = new Dygraph(
"<?php echo $csvstats;?>",
{ interactionModel: {}, labels: [ " ", " "], strokeWidth: 3, showLabelsOnHighlight:false,axes: {x:{axisLabelFormatter: function(x){return "";}, valueFormatter: function(s) {return "";}}, y:{axisLabelFormatter: function(y){return "";}, valueFormatter: function(y) {return "";}}} });

Currently, the graph is showing up with the y-axis showing the data as a daily data.

I want to show the data on the y-axis as follows:

20121029 - 13 20121030 - 27 20121031 - 28 20121101 - 28 20121102 - 35 20121103 - 35 20121104 - 42

Are there any options in dygraphs that I can use to do this? I can't change the format of my input CSV file.



The data format for Dygraphs is laid out at The date needs to be translated to YYYY/MM/DD. There's a way to do it, and this may seem more daunting than it is, but will help you. See for more information.


I'm not sure what your use case is, but if it were me, I would regenerate the data in the form I need it in prior to passing it to DyGraphs.

e.g. Get PHP to aggregate the values and then pass it to DyGraphs.

However, I mocked this up for you:

This assumes you only have one data series, and no null/NaN values

g3 = new Dygraph(
    "2012-10-29,13 \n"+
    "2012-10-30,14 \n"+
    "2012-10-31,1 \n"+
    "2012-11-01,0 \n"+
    "2012-11-02,7 \n"+
    "2012-11-03,0 \n"+
    "2012-11-04,7 \n",
        interactionModel: {}, 
        labels: [ " ", " "], 
        strokeWidth: 3, 
        axes: {
                axisLabelFormatter: function(x){return "";}, 
                valueFormatter: function(s) {return "";}
                axisLabelFormatter: function(y){return "";}, 
                valueFormatter: function(y) {return "";}

data = g3.rawData_; //Object of arrays in the format of [timestamp, y-axis value]
var length = data.length;
var current;
var aggregate = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    current = data[i]; //Get current array 
    aggregate = aggregate + current[1]; //Aggregate y-axis value
    current[1] = aggregate; //Store updated value (this works because the variable "current" is a reference to the "data" object)

g3.updateOptions(data); //Reload data

EDIT: Modified comments for clarity, added context to explanation

标签: dygraphs