I have tried for like 3 hours now, with multiple codes similar to this:
wmic cpu get loadpercentage > Load.txt
findstr "%random:~,1%" Load.txt > Load1.txt
set load=<Load1.txt
if %load%==" 2 7 " echo yes
But they all run in to a similar problem, the output of wmic cpu get loadpercentage
The format just doesn't allow it to be put into a variable, so I can't check it for anything. Perferably, I would like it to be done in Windows CMD and/or Powershell.
Thanks for the help!
Thanks to @lit for the code, here's my final code that works perfectly:
:: To find the "GUID" or the codes for each power plan, run the command in CMD "powercfg -list".
set HighPerformanceMode=8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c
set PowerSaverMode=a1841308-3541-4fab-bc81-f71556f20b4a
SET "load="
FOR /F "usebackq skip=1 tokens=*" %%f IN (`wmic cpu get loadpercentage`) DO (
IF "!load!" EQU "" (
set "load=%%~f"
if "%load%" geq "65" (
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
if "%load%" geq "65" (
%systemroot%\System32\powercfg.exe /setactive %HighPerformanceMode%
) else (
if "%load%" lss "25" (
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
if "%load%" lss "25" (
%systemroot%\System32\powercfg.exe /setactive %PowerSaverMode%
ping localhost -n 3 > nul
goto loop
Make sure you change the HighPerformanceMode
and PowerSaverMode
to have your computer specific power plans. You can find the codes by doing powercfg -list
in cmd.
I then made a separate short script that just has "C:\Load Batch\Load Batch.bat"
in it, but you have to change it to wherever the main script is. Then I used a program called "BAT to EXE converter" and put it in Ghost Mode, and put the newly made .exe program into my startup folder.
I don't believe that my question is a duplicate, the linked question is about getting CPU and RAM usage for what appears to be just to view it, while my question is about getting the load percentage as a pure text form to be used in a script. I am aware of it only testing for one CPU core, but as one goes up it is very likely that the others have similar loads. I had searched this site for code that would separate the "LoadPercentage" text when wmic cpu get loadpercentage
is ran, because I couldn't set it into a variable that way.