number scale on primefaces charts

2019-07-29 01:02发布


When we create a primefaces chart then it shows number scale in decimal points. I want to show without decimal places like simple munbers.Is there a way?



While the workaround posted below still works I found a more proper solution to do this. Number scale can be formatted trough extender function:

<p:barChart value="#{testClazz.categoryModel}" legendPosition="ne"
            widgetVar="barChartObj1" extender="ext1"/>

place the following function between the <head></head> tags on your page:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function ext1() {
        this.cfg.axes.yaxis.tickOptions = {
            formatString : '%d'

After experimenting a bit with jqPlot I found out that if you reset the axes after the plotting has finished the decimals after the decimal point are cleared. If your barChart is definied like this:

<p:barChart id="basicPlot" value="#{testClazz.categoryModel}" 
    legendPosition="ne" widgetVar="barChartObj"
    title="Basic Bar Chart" min="0" max="270"/>

call the following function after the page load is finished:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready( function() {
        setTimeout(formatAxisNumbers, 500);
    function formatAxisNumbers() {

Note that instead of resetting both axes with resetAxesScale you can reset x or y separately by doing:




You can also expriment with decreasing the timeout to smaller numbers to achieve smoother replot. For other options see the jqPlot documentation.

Tested in Google Chrome 22.0.1229.94 (Official Build 161065).