Is there a way I can filter the CollectionViewSource to only show games in the ItemsSource which "Title" contains the "searchString"?
In my PosterView I have this CVS:
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="GameListCVS"
Source="{Binding PosterView}"
<scm:SortDescription PropertyName="Title" />
and also this ItemsControl
<ItemsControl x:Name="gameListView"
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource GameListCVS}}">
My MainWindow.xaml contains the search box which can successfully pass the searchString (string containing what is in the search box) to PosterView.
PosterView binding is actually (confusingly, I know), an ObservableCollection
public ObservableCollection<GameList> PosterView { get; set; }
And here is how games are added to the Observable Collection
games.Add(new GameList
Title = columns[0],
Genre = columns[1],
Path = columns[2],
Link = columns[3],
Icon = columns[4],
Poster = columns[5],
Banner = columns[6],
Guid = columns[7]