I am just learning dependency injection and I dont get its logic at all. Not to mention, TestNG's requirements are always too bizarre for me.
I have this class that provides the data, and a test class that needs it:
public abstract class AppData { // extends Mailer
@DataProvider(name = "dataProvider")
public static Object[][] setUp() throws Exception {
//prepare the data here - code.
//pass the data to the test case
Object[][] setUp = new Object[1][4];
setUp[0][0] = driver;
setUp[0][1] = wait;
setUp[0][2] = array;
setUp[0][3] = array2;
return setUp;
and this is the test class
public class AppTest {
//this is my attempt to make a dependency injection, completely blindly shooting in the dark
private AppData appdata;
public AppTest (
AppData appdata
) {
this.appdata = appdata;
public void oneUserTwoUser(WebDriver driver, WebDriverWait wait, ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> array, ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> array2) throws Exception {
and Im getting this error when I run it:
The factory method class com.f1rstt.tests.AppTest3.oneUserTwoUser() threw an exception
at org.testng.internal.FactoryMethod.invoke(FactoryMethod.java:93)
at org.testng.internal.TestNGClassFinder.<init>(TestNGClassFinder.java:140)
EDIT: I have also tried the following way:
public class AppTest3 {
private AppData appdata = new AppData();
public AppTest3(AppData appdata) {
this.appdata = appdata;
WebDriver driver = AppData.driver;
WebDriverWait wait = AppData.wait;
ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> array = AppData.array;
//ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> array2 = AppData.array2;
@Parameters({ "driver", "wait", "array" })
public void oneUserTwoUser(WebDriver driver, WebDriverWait wait, ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> array) throws Exception {
but I get this error:
Parameter 'driver' is required by @Test on method oneUserTwoUser but has not been marked @Optional or defined