While creating a profile to connect to a hyperledger fabric instance, I get the following error.
0|composer | HLFConnection :login() > admin
0|composer | E0508 11:50:42.311834619 75 ssl_transport_security.c:611] Could not load any root certificate.
0|composer | E0508 11:50:42.311850655 75 ssl_transport_security.c:1348] Cannot load server root certificates.
0|composer | E0508 11:50:42.312139228 75 security_connector.c:837] Handshaker factory creation failed with TSI_INVALID_ARGUMENT.
0|composer | E0508 11:50:42.312149486 75 secure_channel_create.c:127] Failed to create secure subchannel for secure name.
When I check the loaded certificate in the playground logs, '\r\n' has been changed to '\\r\\n'