Lodash groupBy with moment

2019-07-28 16:45发布


I am trying to group a bunch of dates by today, this week, this month and then previous months. However before I even get to this point I am struggling to get even a basic grouping by month.

const data = [{
 campaign: "Charles",
 company_ID: "1",
 coreURL: "http://www.test77.com",
 createdAt: "2017-11-06T20:45:56.931Z",
 owner: "K7xTxu7PRDCuhFZRC",
 updatedAt: "2017-09-06T20:45:56.931Z",
 _id: "6gsb42PSSJt7PgsDG"
}, {
 campaign: "Charles",
 company_ID: "1",
 coreURL: "http://www.test66,com",
 createdAt: "2017-11-06T20:46:27.744Z",
 owner: "K7xTxu7PRDCuhFZRC",
 updatedAt: "2017-10-06T20:46:27.744Z",
 _id: "Md4wCnEsrQrWApnLS"
}, {
 campaign: "Gary",
 company_ID: "1",
 coreURL: "http://www.test55,com",
 createdAt: "2017-11-06T20:46:27.744Z",
 owner: "K7xTxu7PRDCuhFZRC",
 updatedAt: "2017-07-06T20:46:27.744Z",
 _id: "5p44uiwRgqp35YXRf"

const grouper = 'updatedAt';

let groupedData = _
  .groupBy(datum => moment(datum.grouper).format("MM")) 

EDIT: However this only seems to group by "11" (todays Month)

Any help would be really appreciated


datum.grouper is undefined so moment(datum.grouper) is returning the current date.

You should instead be using datum[grouper] or something like this _.property('updatedAt').

Regarding your question about how to separate the dates into today, this week, this month, and other months, please try the below:

const data = [{
  campaign: "Charles",
  company_ID: "1",
  coreURL: "http://www.test77.com",
  createdAt: "2017-11-06T20:45:56.931Z",
  owner: "K7xTxu7PRDCuhFZRC",
  updatedAt: "2017-09-06T20:45:56.931Z",
  _id: "6gsb42PSSJt7PgsDG"
}, {
  campaign: "Charles",
  company_ID: "1",
  coreURL: "http://www.test66,com",
  createdAt: "2017-11-06T20:46:27.744Z",
  owner: "K7xTxu7PRDCuhFZRC",
  updatedAt: "2017-10-06T20:46:27.744Z",
  _id: "Md4wCnEsrQrWApnLS"
}, {
  campaign: "Gary",
  company_ID: "1",
  coreURL: "http://www.test55,com",
  createdAt: "2017-11-06T20:46:27.744Z",
  owner: "K7xTxu7PRDCuhFZRC",
  updatedAt: "2017-07-06T20:46:27.744Z",
  _id: "5p44uiwRgqp35YXRf"
}, {
  campaign: "Fred",
  company_ID: "1",
  coreURL: "http://www.test55,com",
  createdAt: "2017-11-06T20:46:27.744Z",
  owner: "K7xTxu7PRDCuhFZRC",
  updatedAt: "2017-11-15T03:46:27.744Z",
  _id: "5p44uiwRgqp35YXRf"
}, {
  campaign: "Fred",
  company_ID: "1",
  coreURL: "http://www.test55,com",
  createdAt: "2017-11-06T20:46:27.744Z",
  owner: "K7xTxu7PRDCuhFZRC",
  updatedAt: "2017-11-03T20:46:27.744Z",
  _id: "5p44uiwRgqp35YXRf"
}, {
  campaign: "Fred",
  company_ID: "1",
  coreURL: "http://www.test55,com",
  createdAt: "2017-11-06T20:46:27.744Z",
  owner: "K7xTxu7PRDCuhFZRC",
  updatedAt: "2017-11-13T20:46:27.744Z",
  _id: "5p44uiwRgqp35YXRf"
}, {
  campaign: "Fred",
  company_ID: "1",
  coreURL: "http://www.test55,com",
  createdAt: "2017-11-06T20:46:27.744Z",
  owner: "K7xTxu7PRDCuhFZRC",
  updatedAt: "2017-11-09T20:46:27.744Z",
  _id: "5p44uiwRgqp35YXRf"

const groupProp = _.property('updatedAt');

let determineGroup = value => {
  // remove '2017-11-15' to actually use current date 
  const now = moment('2017-11-15T10:00:03Z').startOf('day');

  if (value.isSame(now, 'day')) {
    return 'today';
  if (value.isAfter(now.clone().subtract(7, 'days').startOf('day'))) {
    return 'this week';
  if (value.isSame(now, 'month')) {
    return 'this month';
  return value.format('MM');

let groupedData = _
  .groupBy(datum => determineGroup(moment(groupProp(datum))))

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.19.2/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.4/lodash.min.js"></script>


Maybe you can use filter if you only need to current month, day, year .

const today = _.filter(data, d => moment(d.updatedAt).isSame(moment(), 'day'));

const thisWeek = _.filter(data, d => moment(d.updatedAt).isSame(moment(), 'week'));

const thisMonth = _.filter(data, d => moment(d.updatedAt).isSame(moment(), 'month'));

Or groupBy if you need all months (for all years)

const byMonth = _.groupBy(data, d => moment(d.updatedAt).month());



let groupedData = _
.groupBy(record => moment(record.updatedAt).format("MM"))