How to automatically read in calculated values wit

2019-01-14 06:02发布


I have the following Excel file:

I read it in by looping over every cell and getting the value with getCell(...)->getValue():

$highestColumnAsLetters = $this->objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getHighestColumn(); //e.g. 'AK'
$highestRowNumber = $this->objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getHighestRow();
for ($row = 1; $row < $highestRowNumber + 1; $row++) {
    $dataset = array();
    for ($columnAsLetters = 'A'; $columnAsLetters != $highestColumnAsLetters; $columnAsLetters++) {
        $dataset[] = $this->objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0)->getCell($columnAsLetters.$row)->getValue();
        if ($row == 1)
        $this->column_names[] = $columnAsLetters;
    $this->datasets[] = $dataset;

However, although it reads in the data fine, it reads in the calculations literally:

I understand from discussions like this one that I can use getCalculatedValue() for calculated cells.

The problem is that in the Excel sheets I am importing, I do not know beforehand which cells are calculated and which are not.

Is there a way for me to read in the value of a cell in a way that automatically gets the value if it has a simple value and gets the result of the calculation if it is a calculation?


It turns out that getCalculatedValue() works for all cells, makes me wonder why this isn't the default for getValue() since I would think one would usually want the value of the calculations instead of the equations themselves, in any case this works:



getCalculatedValue() seems to work for all cells, see above


If you are unsure about the content of a cell (value or formula included), I recommend you to primarily do a check if the cell has a formula and then copy - paste accordingly. getOldCalculatedValue() is very helpful in this case. Here is an example of that:

$code = $sheet->getCell('A'.$y)->getValue();
    $code = $sheet->getCell('A'.$y)->getOldCalculatedValue();
             ->setCellValue('A'.$l, $code);

For large data sets, getCalculatedValue() function is really cumbersome and lots of memory will be required to perform correctly.


Looks like getCalculatedValue() is deprecated. Try using getFormattedValue() instead.


getCalculatedValue() seems to do the right job you wanted. It will return the correct value if the cell contains FBV ( formula based value ). If not then the normal value will be returned instead.


I have never imported an excel file in PHP so this is just a stab in the dark.

Why not check the first character in the cell for an "="

If true getCalculatedValue()
if not getCell()

标签: php phpexcel