Is there a way to get a list of all BUKRS which the current user is allowed to see?
I want to use this list as a filter in open sql. Imagine the result of the method I search stored the result in bk_list
. Then I could use bk_list
like this:
SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE bukrs IN bk_list
Another way to do it, based on the class CL_AUTH_OBJECTS_TO_SQL
(>= 7.50), here the program reads the flights from the read-authorized airline carriers :
DATA(authsql) = cl_auth_objects_to_sql=>create_for_open_sql( ).
authsql->add_authorization_object( EXPORTING
iv_authorization_object = 'S_CARRID'
it_activities = VALUE #( ( auth_field = 'ACTVT' value = '03' ) )
it_field_mapping = VALUE #(
( auth_field = 'CARRID'
view_field = VALUE #( table_ddic_name = 'SFLIGHT' field_name = 'CARRID' ) ) ) ).
DATA(where) = authsql->get_sql_condition( ).
SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE @data(sflights) WHERE (where).
I am afraid you can do it one by one only. Roughly:
SELECT bukrs
FROM t001
WHERE ... . "Selection critera, if necessary
LOOP AT lt_t001
DATA(lv_tabix) = sy-tabix.
ID 'BUKRS' FIELD <ls_t001>-bukrs
ID 'ACTVT' FIELD '03'. "Here you need the proper activity (display '03' /change '02' / etc.)
IF sy-subrc <> 0. "Auth check failed
DELETE lt_t001 INDEX lv_tabix.
At the end lt_t001 contains only the company codes, for which the user has authorization.