I'm porting a C++ library on Android (Android Studio 2.3.1/NDK 25); the library works flawlessly on UWP (VS2017 VC 1.41 - ARM & Win32) a custom ARM7 board (GCC 4.8).
When debugging on Android Studio, I get a "SIGBUS (signal SIGBUS: illegal alignment)" during an assignment to a struct member. Here is the struct (I need it to be 64-bit aligned):
typedef unsigned int _t_u32; // 32-bit unsigned
typedef unsigned long long _t_u64; // 64-bit unsigned
typedef struct __attribute__((aligned(8)))
_t_u32 crc32;
_t_u64 counter;
} t_security;
Now, here is the code snippet:
void prepareBuffer(_t_u8 cmd, _t_u8 *buffer, _t_u32 buffferLen)
t_security *secPtr = ((t_security *)(buffer + sizeof(_t_u8)));
secPtr->crc32 = 0;
secPtr->counter= 0; << when this is being executed, on Android Studio-only, I get *"SIGBUS (signal SIGBUS: illegal alignment)"*
From Android Studio debugger watches:
sizeof(t_security) = {unsigned int} 16
&secPtr = {t_security * | 0xdc98eb41} 0xdc98eb41
&secPtr->crc32 = {_t_u32 * | 0xdc98eb41} 0xdc98eb41
&secPtr->counter = {_t_u64 * | 0xdc98eb49} 0xdc98eb49
From Visual Studio debugger watches (ARM platform):
sizeof(t_security) 16 unsigned int
secPtr 0x00afe2e5 {crc32=3435973836 ...} t_security *
&secPtr->crc32 0x00afe2e5 {3435973836} unsigned int *
&secPtr->counter 0x00afe2ed {14757395258967641292} unsigned __int64 *
I suppose it has to due to packing/member alignment... but as you can notice, the packaging seems consistent on the two platforms... just on Android Studio-only, I get "SIGBUS (signal SIGBUS: illegal alignment)".
Can someone please help me understand what's going on? May be a compiler switch I'm missing? Here's the ndk's gradle config:
android.ndk {
moduleName = "NativeLib"
// add compilation flags
// include headers
ldLibs.addAll("android", "dl", "log", "z", "atomic")
stl = "c++_static" // LLVM compiler
android.buildTypes {
all {
// To solve struct packing issues, setting abiFilters to package only 32-bit architectures:
ndk.with {
debug {
ndk.with {
Many thanks!