In my application with , i managed to create folder and subfolder , file , but my problem is when i create subfolder ,file (in folder parent) , i found my subfolder in drive and in folder parent (i found it twice and i want it only in folder parent )
here is my code
Public Function subfolder_creation(id_sub As String) As String
Dim subfolder As New Google.Apis.Drive.v2.Data.File()
subfolder.Title = VF.Text
subfolder.MimeType = "application/"
Dim ref = Service.Files.Insert(subfolder)
MessageBox.Show("sous dossier crée")
ref.Fields = "id"
Dim a = ref.Execute()
MessageBox.Show(" Id Subfolder " & a.Id)
Dim reference = New ParentReference()
reference.Id = id_sub
Dim insert = Service.Parents.Insert(reference, a.Id).Execute
MessageBox.Show("Création sous dossier avec succés")
Dim reference_file = New ParentReference()
reference_file.Id = a.Id
Return (a.Id)
i know the problem is from two insert instruction , but i don't know how i solve it