I am using the following query against wikidata;
SELECT ?country ?countryLabel
?country wdt:P30 wd:Q46;
wdt:P31 wd:Q6256.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language
where P30 is continent; Q46 is Europe; P31 is Instance Of and Q6256 is country;
Yet this query only returns 15 countries of Europe. For instance Sweden is not returned even though Sweden appears to match the query at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q34
So even though the query seems to be correct yet it is missing out many countries. Any ideas on how to resolve this?
While comparing the two entries; one for Germany/Sweden (which do not show up) and Norway which does show up, the difference I could find was that Germany/Sweden has a preferred rank for Sovereign State while just a normal rank for Country. This could be a reason where the WHERE clause decides to only show the preferred rank if it exists; and skip the remaining statements. If this be the case and I suspect it is; I wonder if there is a way to override the behavior of the query engine to search through all statements with either a preferred rank or a normal rank.
I am getting a better selection of countries when going around the truthy's by using statements. The statements are able to pull out all the statements even those with normal ranks.
SELECT DISTINCT ?country ?countryLabel
?country wdt:P30 wd:Q46.
?country p:P31 ?country_instance_of_statement .
?country_instance_of_statement ps:P31 wd:Q6256 .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language
filter not exists{?country p:P31/ps:P31 wd:Q3024240 }
order by ?countryLabel
I still have a few extra countries showing up; such as German Empire. But I think that's a different problem to fix.
Note that country_instance_of_statement captures all the statements irrespective of rank. And once I have those than I use 'ps:P31 wd:Q6256' to pull out those that have country ("wd:Q6256") as the object.
I have added in suggestions from @AKSW above.
And for those who want another approach using end time for country, this is the sparql
SELECT distinct ?country ?countryLabel
?country wdt:P30 wd:Q46.
?country p:P31 ?country_instance_of_statement .
?country_instance_of_statement ps:P31 wd:Q6256 .
filter not exists {?country_instance_of_statement pq:P582 ?endTime }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language
order by ?countryLabel