I'm trying to make transactions work with async/await and knexjs but to no avail.
The code (snippet is for the sake of shortening the post):
const updateOrder = (req, res, db, logger) => {
let {
} = req.body;
const updateStatus = () => {
return db('cart')
.where('trx_id', '=', trx_id)
status: status,
or_num: orNumber,
return_reason: returnReason
const updateDate = () => {
return db('cart')
.where('trx_id', '=', trx_id)
date_purchased: new Date()
const selectItems = (order) => {
return db
cart_id: order.id,
trx_id: order.trx_id
const selectProduct = (item) => {
const queries = [];
item.forEach(item => {
const query = db.select('*')
.where('item_code', '=', item.item_code);
return Promise.all(queries);
const updateQuantity = (product, cart) => {
const prodQuantity = product.map(product => parseInt(product.stock));
const cartQuantity = cart.map(cart => parseInt(cart.quantity));
const newQuantity = [];
const queries = [];
for (let i = 0; i < product.length; i++) {
newQuantity.push(prodQuantity[i] - cartQuantity[i]);
cart.map((cart, index) => {
const query = db('products')
.where('item_code', '=', cart.item_code)
stock: newQuantity[index]
return queries;
const updateLogs = () => {
return db('activity_order_logs')
date: new Date(),
employee_id: req.session.emp_id,
module: "MONITORING",
trx_id: trx_id,
activity: status,
or_num: orNumber
const sendResponse = (result) => {
if (result) {
isSuccess: true
} else {
isSuccess: false
(async() => {
const first = await updateStatus();
if (first[0].status == 'Success') {
const second = await updateDate().catch(err => {
throw err
const third = await selectItems(second[0]).catch(err => {
throw err
const fourth = await selectProduct(third).catch(err => {
throw err
const fourth2 = [].concat(...fourth);
const fifth = await updateQuantity(fourth2, third)
const decreaseStock = async() => {
const finalResult = [];
for (let i = 0; i < fifth.length; i++) {
const finalQuery = await Promise.resolve(fifth[i]);
return finalResult;
const result = await decreaseStock().catch(err => {
throw err
const result2 = [].concat(...result);
const logs = await updateLogs().catch(err => {
throw err
const sendRes = await sendResponse(logs);
} else if (first[0].status == 'Returned') {
const logs = await updateLogs().catch(err => {
throw err
const sendRes = await sendResponse(logs);
} else {
const logs = await updateLogs().catch(err => {
throw err
const sendRes = await sendResponse(logs);
})().catch(err => {
isSuccess: false
module.exports = {
What I've tried:
First Try - Error, returns Transaction rejected with non-error
//knex is initialized as db
const createTransaction = () => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
return db.transaction(resolve);
(async() => {
const trx = await createTransaction();
const first = await updateStatus();
if (first[0].status == 'Success') {
const second = await updateDate().catch(err => {
throw err
const third = await selectItems(second[0]).catch(err => {
throw err
const fourth = await selectProduct(third).catch(err => {
throw err
const fourth2 = [].concat(...fourth);
const fifth = await updateQuantity(fourth2, third)
const decreaseStock = async() => {
const finalResult = [];
for (let i = 0; i < fifth.length; i++) {
const finalQuery = await Promise.resolve(fifth[i]);
return finalResult;
const result = await decreaseStock().catch(err => {
throw err
const result2 = [].concat(...result);
const logs = await updateLogs().catch(err => {
throw err
const sendRes = await sendResponse(logs);
} else if (first[0].status == 'Returned') {
const logs = await updateLogs().catch(err => {
throw err
const sendRes = await sendResponse(logs);
} else {
const logs = await updateLogs().catch(err => {
throw err
const sendRes = await sendResponse(logs);
})().catch(err => {
isSuccess: false
Second Try - Result: Transaction still commits and did not rolled back even though there's an intentional error.
//knex is initalized as db
(async() => {
try {
return await db.transaction(async trx => {
const first = await updateStatus();
if (first[0].status == 'Success') {
const second = await updateDate().catch(err => {
throw err
const third = await selectItems(second[0]).catch(err => {
throw err
const fourth = await selectProduct(third).catch(err => {
throw err
const fourth2 = [].concat(...fourth);
const fifth = await updateQuantity(fourth2, third)
const decreaseStock = async() => {
const finalResult = [];
for (let i = 0; i < fifth.length; i++) {
const finalQuery = await Promise.resolve(fifth[i]);
return finalResult;
const result = await decreaseStock().catch(err => {
throw err
const result2 = [].concat(...result);
const logs = await updateLogs().catch(err => {
throw err
const sendRes = await sendResponse(logs);
} else if (first[0].status == 'Returned') {
const logs = await updateLogs().catch(err => {
throw err
const sendRes = await sendResponse(logs);
} else {
const logs = await updateLogs().catch(err => {
throw err
const sendRes = await sendResponse(logs);
} catch (err) {
isSuccess: false