I try to make a hybrid app (using PhoneGap) but my main problem is that so far i looks different on every platform. I the browser on PC and on the Android 5.0+ looks as I want to but on older versions of android appear some problems. I've tested it on a 2 different tablets. Both with Android 4.2.2.(Samsung and Lenovo). Both of them don't recognize font unit vw (vh neither). One on them doesn't recognize commend "border-radius" or at least irregularly: photo. Whereas the second one has some troubles with animations e.g. like this one:
animation-name: nalewotrzy;
animation-duration: 1.5s;
@keyframes totheleft{
to {transform: translate(-100%, 0%);}
And now I don't know if maybe the old versions of Android don't support CSS3 or I implemented my css file incorrectly into html code:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css"/>
I'm quite new in programming.