I am making an app in python. Using python 2.7 on mac osx 10.8.5. I converted python code into an app using py2app. Then I converted myapp.app into package myapp.pkg using Packages. I am using a configuration file which I kept in Contents-->Resources-->config.cfg. config.cfg file contains data which is necessary for running of app.
My issue is how to pass serverIP and serverPort to config.cfg file while installing myapp through myapp.pkg i.e. through Packages
. My config.cfg file is like key-value pair.I am using config.parsar to read config.cfg file.
serverIP1 =
serverPort1 =
serverIP2 =
serverPort2 =
I need to pass these value to config.cfg file while installing package.The installer should ask these values and the user should input these values.