In Chapel, we can set the default value of function formal arguments easily, for example,
proc test( a = 1, b = 2.0, c = "hi" ) {
and call the function by using keywords also:
test( 10 ); // a = 10, b = 2.0, c = "hi"
test( b = 3.14 ); // a = 1, b = 3.14, c = "hi"
test( c = "yo" ); // a = 1, b = 2.0, c = "yo"
Here, I am wondering if it is possible to define a keyword argument that does not require a predefined default value. More specifically, I would like to write a function that can optionally receive an array depending on cases (e.g., to save intermediate data). Here, the only requirement is that I can check whether the actual argument is passed or not, and there is no need to give the default array value. I imagined something like
proc test( ..., optional d: [] real ) {
if present( d ) then ...;
proc test( ..., d: [] real = None ) {
if present( d ) then ...;
but was not able to find similar things. At the moment, my workaround is to give some dummy default value and check their properties to determine whether an actual argument is passed.
proc test( arr = empty2Dreal ) { ... } // where "empty2Dreal" is a pre-defined global array
proc test( arr = reshape( [0.0], {1..1,1..1} ) ) { ... } // some dummy array
However, I am wondering whether there might be a more elegant(?) or idiomatic(?) approach...
As suggested in the comment, it is also convenient to overload several functions to get different interfaces, but at some point I guess I need to pass some "dummy" object to the final (full-fledged) routine and ask the latter to see if the passed object is "dummy" or not... MWE is something like this:
const empty1Dint: [1..0] int;
proc test( x: real, arr: [] int )
writeln("test() with 2 args");
writeln(( x, arr ));
// here, I need to check whether the passed object is
// an actual array or not by some predefined rule
if arr.size > 0 then writeln("got a non-empty array");
proc test( x: real )
writeln("test() with 1 arg");
test( x = x, arr = empty1Dint );
var work = [1,2,3,4,5];
test( x = 1.0 );
test( x = 1.0, arr = work );
which gives
test() with 1 arg
test() with 2 args
(1.0, )
test() with 2 args
(1.0, 1 2 3 4 5)
got a non-empty array
The corresponding default-value version is
const empty1Dint: [1..0] int;
proc test( x: real, arr: [] int = empty1Dint )
writeln("test() with 2 args");
writeln(( x, arr ));
if arr.size > 0 then writeln("got a non-empty array");
var work = [1,2,3,4,5];
test( x = 1.0 );
test( x = 1.0, arr = work );
which gives
test() with 2 args
(1.0, )
test() with 2 args
(1.0, 1 2 3 4 5)
got a non-empty array
Although the above approach works for arrays, the rule needs to change depending on the type of objects used. So, I was wondering if there is some systematic way, e.g., to pass a "null pointer" or some unique global object to tell the final routine about the presence of the actual data. (But, as noted above, the above approach works for arrays).
Edit 2
Another approach may be simply to pass an additional flag for using the passed array (then there is no need to think much about the nature of the default object, so may be overall simpler...)
const empty1Dint: [1..0] int;
proc test( x: real, arr: [] int = empty1Dint, use_arr = false )
writeln( "x= ", x );
if use_arr {
writeln("working with the passed array...");
for i in 1..arr.size do arr[ i ] = i * 10;
test( x = 1.0 );
var work: [1..5] int;
test( x = 2.0, arr = work, use_arr = true );
writeln( "work = ", work );
Edit 3
Following Option 3 in the answer, here is a modified version of my code using _void
and void
proc test( x: real, arr: ?T = _void )
writeln( "\ntest():" );
writeln( "x = ", x );
writeln( "arr = ", arr );
writeln( "arr.type = ", arr.type:string );
writeln( "T = ", T:string );
if arr.type != void {
writeln( "doing some checks" );
assert( isArray( arr ) );
if arr.type != void {
writeln( "writing arr" );
for i in 1..arr.size do arr[ i ] = i * 10;
// no optional arg
test( x = 1.0 );
// use an optional arg
var work: [1..5] int;
test( x = 2.0, arr = work );
writeln( "\nmain> work = ", work );
x = 1.0
arr =
arr.type = void
T = void
x = 2.0
arr = 0 0 0 0 0
arr.type = [domain(1,int(64),false)] int(64)
T = [domain(1,int(64),false)] int(64)
doing some checks
writing arr
main> work = 10 20 30 40 50