I'm working on a re-usable API component for iOS apps. I have completed the API and documented it using headerdoc
for future users.
Now I want to create HTML pages for those header files. So I executed the following command in terminal from my project directory
headerdoc2html -o ~/Desktop/My_Project_Documentation APIFolder/
But No documents are being created, instead I'm getting an error like:
Skipping. No HeaderDoc comments found.
No default encoding. Guessing. If date formats are wrong, try
specifying an appropriate value in the LANG environment variable.
I tried various methods and ways, finally I narrow down the issue:
In the beginning of my project I have something like:
* DarkPantherConstants.h
* Panther
* Created by Midhun on 05/11/14.
* Copyright (c) 2014 Midhun. All rights reserved.
* Panther Constants are defined in this header file
So the issue was with this particular comment, actually this comment is auto-generated by XCode and I actually modified the name and comment format to headerdoc
. Nothing with date or date-format. Even If I remove those comments, nothing works; getting same error. Can anybody please help me to solve this ?