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Do I need to release a constant NSString?
2 answers
In my research I've come across something peculiar.
@interface Class {
NSString *_string
- (void) Method1 {
_string = @"ASDF";
Intially I thought that _string
was part of the autorelease pools and really didn't think about the memory aspect of it.
After reading this SO post Objective C NSString* property retain count oddity
I've realized that no, this is not the case, and that the retain count of _string
is actually UINT_MAX
Obviously my thinking that _string
was part of the autorelease pool was a fluke, and how I handled the variable just somehow worked out. What I would like to know, though, is: when does @"ASDF"
get thrown away? I know I should be using properties and setters, but there is probably a lot of code out there that looks like this since assigning a constant to a variable is so intuitive.
What is the lifecycle of these immutable, literal NSString
s, and when will [_string length]
actually return an error since @"ASDF"
doesn't reside in memory anymore?
From Is a literal NSString autoreleased or does it need to be released?
Compiler allocated strings (of the format @"STRING") are constant, and
so -retain, -release, and -autorelease messages to them are ignored.
You don't have to release or autorelease foo in this case (but it
won't hurt).
Under the hood when you do
NSString* yourString = @"ABC";
the string will be stored in a area of memory called data segment. This area never changes after the application is launched. Here strings are treated as constants for your app. At the same time a string is an object, so if you want to keep it you call retain
or copy
On the contary when you do
NSString* yourString = // alloc-init
you create an object on the heap. If you forget to release you have a memory leak. If someone else destroy it, and you try to access it, you have a bad access to that memory location.
Hope that helps.
An immutable string (NSString) that is created manually follows the normal reference counting rules and thus life cycle.
In your example, the string is even more special because it is actually a string literal. As is the case for any literal, they reside in special memory and only get destroyed when the executable terminates.