[ANT]Property and Classpathref inherit broken in “

2019-07-28 02:57发布


To explain it briefly, here is an example:

In build.xml, local-db.xml is imported. And in local-db.xml, there is a target named "warmup" which calls one target of the third file -- local-gr.xml using task.

All the common properties and classpath defs are imported and set in build.xml.

in project.properties:


in build.xml:

<path id="gr-classpath"> ... </path>
<import file="local-db.xml" />

in local-db.xml:

<ant antfile="local-gr.xml" target="deploy" inheritAll="true" inheritRefs="true" />

In local-gr.xml, there are two targets like this:

<target name="deploy">
    <tar ....../>
    <foreach list="${list1}" delimiter="," parallel="true" trim="true" param="item" target="deploy-single" />

<target name="deploy-single">
    something using property ${dest-dir} and path "gr-classpath"

Now here is the problem:

The property ${dest-dir} and path "gr-classpath" can be used in "deploy" because I set inheritAll and inheritRefs, but it can't be used directly in "deploy-single". "inherit" doesn't when the target is called by foreach?

I managed to pass ${dest-dir} to "deploy-single" with the help of the , but I didn't find any way to pass the classpathref "gr-classpath" to "deploy-single".

What I did to work around it was to claim the again in "deploy-single", but I don't like it at all.

Why this happens? What can I do to make it more elegant?


The ant-contrib foreach task doesn't by default propagate all properties and references to it's target. But it does have inheritall and inheritrefs attributes that you can use to make that happen.

<foreach list="${list1}" delimiter="," parallel="true" trim="true"
         param="item" target="deploy-single"
         inheritall="true" inheritrefs="true"

标签: ant foreach