I have some problemd by using the IBatis framework. I use IBatis 2 and now I tried to execute an SQL select and SQL update statement, which works with the parameterClass "java.util.Map" and an IBatis iterator tag. But now it seems, that these two component doesn´t work together.
If I use only a Java List with the IBatis Iterator tag inside a SQL select statement, it works fine.
If I use only a Java List with the IBatis Iterator tag inside a SQL updatestatement, it doesn´t works.
It is necessary to use a Java Map as parameterClass, since I need more than one parameter inside the SQL statments.
Now I have created the following ArrayList "filterData", which will be included in the HashMap "myMap":
List<Long> filterData = new ArrayList<Long>();
HashMap<String, Object> myMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
myMap.put("mySchema", "Schema1");
myMap.put("filterData", filterData);
The following java code will be execute the IBatis SQL select statement:
Long selectedValues = (Long) getSqlMapClientTemplate().queryForObject("selectWithMap", myMap)
Here is my IBatis SQL select statement:
<select id="selectWithMap" resultClass="long" parameterClass="java.util.Map">
FROM $mySchema$.myTable
WHERE myTable.id IN
<iterate open="(" close=")" conjunction=",">
The following java code will be execute the IBatis SQL update statement:
Integer updatedValues = (Integer) getSqlMapClientTemplate().update("updateWithMap", myMap);
Here is my IBatis SQL update statement:
<update id="updateWithMap" parameterClass="java.util.Map">
UPDATE $mySchema$.myTable
SET myTable.name = "Something!!",
WHERE myTable.id IN
<iterate open="(" close=")" conjunction=",">
I get this error message:
Check the parameter map.
Cause: com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapException: ParameterObject or property was not a Collection, Array or Iterator.
How can I solve this problem?
Many thanks !