
How To Calculate Distance Between Two Points in Dr

2019-07-28 01:07发布


everyone... I have something to ask about using a MapView in Android with Google Maps API..

I've read about how to make a Geopoint or more and find a distance between 2 points..

One thing that still makes me confuse is about calculating a distance between 2 points. I've tried and find the result but it's applied if the condition is when I want to make a straight line between those points. But, when I crosscheck with maps.google.com, the result (distance) is different with the same latitude and longitude of those points. And I realize that its a kind of a Driving Direction..

example of Google Map Web

If you see the picture, it's not a straight line so of course the distance is different. So how could I calculate this distance in Android in this case? And please show me the code to make it...


Yes it will return you the straight line distance between two point.. you can use Google direction API for this ...Here is the link for this. http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/directions/