I am migrating all my mysqli queries to STORED PROCEDURE.
It should be as easy as changing one line in the mysqli call, howver, the two following codes give different results:
Regular query, which works correctly:
$query = $this->mysqli->query("SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM user
MATCH (name) AGAINST ('* *$sanitized* *') ");
if ($query) {
$nrows = $query -> num_rows;
if ($nrows > 0) {
$searchResult = 'We found '. $nrows .' results';
CALL to PROCEDURE, which returns a "fetch_array() on boolean" error:
$query = $this->mysqli->query("CALL myfunction('.$sanitized.')");
where the procedures is defined as:
CREATE PROCEDURE myfunction (sanitized VARCHAR(124))
MATCH (name) AGAINST ('* *sanitized* *');
I can't find a solution and it seems that no one has a similar issue in this forum.
consider Prepared Statements used with concat()
as they often are.
DROP PROCEDURE if exists myStoredProc101;
( pSanitized VARCHAR(124)
set @mySql:=concat("SELECT DISTINCT ID FROM user where match(name) against ('* *",pSanitized,"* *')");
PREPARE stmt1 FROM @mySql;
EXECUTE stmt1;
Your stored proc had no chance of working as it wasn't even using your parameter. What you did was bury something inside of a string literal. Also, varchar(124) is a bit odd :p
About the only success people have with prepared statements is with using a User Variable (with an @
) versus failed attempts of using Local Variables (from DECLARE). So, that may save you a few hours of head banging in the future.
From the PHP Manual Page Stored Procedures:
Handling result sets
Stored procedures can return result sets. Result sets returned from a
stored procedure cannot be fetched correctly using mysqli_query. The
mysqli_query function combines statement execution and fetching the
first result set into a buffered result set, if any. However, there
are additional stored procedure result sets hidden from the user which
cause mysqli_query to fail returning the user expected result sets.
Result sets returned from a stored procedure are fetched using
mysqli_real_query or mysqli_multi_query. Both functions allow fetching
any number of result sets returned by a statement, such as CALL.
Failing to fetch all result sets returned by a stored procedure causes
an error.
As for calling the stored proc from mysqli
, please take a look at the Answer from Pablo Tobar. It does not look especially pleasant with many variables, but that seems to be where it is at. Spoiler Alert: use mysql variables, not PHP variables.
Granted, Pablo was not returning a resultset, but rather writing to an OUT
var in the stored proc. Perhaps you need to do what he did for the IN
parameters, and call multi_query()
, then a store_result()
, then a fetch_all()
(in short, the PHP reference a page up).
Alternatively, a call would be made as done by Palladium here.
In either case, case must be taken to avoid the known vulnerability of passing SQL Injection over to stored procedure routines.