Ownership regarding to returned Quartz objects

2019-07-28 00:42发布


I have recently asked about autoreleasing a returned quartz object: Autorelease for CGMutablePathRef?

Dave DeLong answered my question that there is no autorelease for quartz (or any NS foundation objects) and I should use the Create Rule. However the naming convention on the document says,

The Core Foundation naming conventions, in particular use of the word “create”, only apply to C functions that return Core Foundation objects. Naming conventions for Objective-C methods are governed by the Cocoa conventions, irrespective of whether the method returns a Core Foundation or Cocoa object.

By this account since my function is a message in an objective C object it doesn't seem proper to name it createSomething. I still want to return this object. What's the best way to approach this? Should I use the Get Rule and then have the caller explicitly retain it? But this is not within Cocoa convention. What's the proper way to handle this?


Normally you should return an autoreleased object from an Objective-C method that returns a new object. It's easy enough to do this with Core Foundation objects. For example, take this basic class method:

+ (CFURLRef)appleWebsiteURL
    CFURLRef url = CFURLCreateWithString(NULL,CFSTR("http://apple.com"),NULL);
    return (CFURLRef)[NSMakeCollectable(url) autorelease];

Note that the above code will work in both a garbage-collected and reference-counted environment. If you're on the iPhone, you might need to do:

return (CFURLRef)[(NSObject*)url autorelease];