I'm building a simple shinyApp that plots a normal distribution given two quantiles (lbv and ubv) corresponding to 5% and 95% probability (a 90% confidence interval). The quantiles are user-defined inputs.
To get the mean and sd of the normal PDF, I'm using get.norm.par() from the rriskDistributions package, like so:
dpar <- get.norm.par(p=c(0.05,0.95),q=c(lbv,ubv),plot=F)
mean <- dpar[1]
sd <- dpar[2]
How do I get the shinyApp to react to input changes in the UI? I'm new to Shiny - it seems I have to use reactive() and refresh(?) but I can't make sense of where/how to use it. Any tips would be appreciated.
The code below generates the shinyApp but it is not "reactive" to changes in user-defined inputs.
# Set libraries
# Global variables can go here
lb <- 0.05
ub <- 0.95
lbv <- 200
ubv <- 1000
dpar <- get.norm.par(p=c(lb,ub),q=c(lbv,ubv),plot=F)
mean <- dpar[1]
sd <- dpar[2]
x1 <- lbv - (ubv-lbv)/2 # set my x-axis left bound
x2 <- ubv + (ubv-lbv)/2 # set my x-axis right bound
densities<-dnorm(xseq, mean,sd)
ui <- fluidPage(
numericInput('lbv', 'Lower Bound Value', lbv),
numericInput('ubv', 'Upper Bound Value', ubv)
server <- function(input, output) {
output$plot <- renderPlot({
plot(xseq, densities, col="darkgreen", xlab="", ylab="Density", type="l",lwd=2, cex=2, main="Normal Density", cex.axis=.8)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I've tried making the following changes based on an example here, and I can tell it won't work but not sure what changes to make....
numericInput('lbv', 'Lower Bound Value', lbv),
numericInput('ubv', 'Upper Bound Value', ubv),
actionButton(inputId = "refresh", label = "Refresh" ,
icon = icon("fa fa-refresh"))
dataInput <- reactive({
mean <- get.norm.par(p=c(lb,ub),q=c(input$lbv,input$ubv),plot=F)[1]
sd <- get.norm.par(p=c(lb,ub),q=c(input$lbv,input$ubv),plot=F)[2]
x1 <- input$lbv - (input$ubv-input$lbv)/2 # set my x-axis left bound
x2 <- input$ubv + (input$ubv-input$lbv)/2 # set my x-axis right bound
densities<-dnorm(xseq, mean,sd)