I'm using the new PySDL2 package, trying to interface it with my existing OpenCV code. I want to take an image captured from a webcam via the cv2 python interface to OpenCV and use PySDL2 to show it in a window on screen. I think I figured out how to convert the cv2 image format to a PySDL2 surface properly, but at the end of the code below, all I get is a black window. Any pointers on where I have gone awry would be greatly appreciated!
#grab a frame from a webcam
import cv2
vc = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
junk,image = vc.read()
#convert image to sdl format (?)
import sdl2
sbuf = image.tostring()
simage = sdl2.SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(sbuf,image.shape[0],image.shape[1],24,3*image.shape[0],sdl2.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA8888,0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0)
#create a window
windowSize = (640,480)
window = sdl2.SDL_CreateWindow(b"Hello World",sdl2.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, sdl2.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED,windowSize[0], windowSize[1], sdl2.SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN)
windowSurface = sdl2.SDL_GetWindowSurface(window)
#try to blit the sdl-formatted image to the window
# pump events to get the window to show and update
while True: