In my application I want to allow for some user, to be able to sign out all other users except him/her. I have done this functionality, well, when the Session driver was set to file, but now I'm using redis as session driver and I could not able to find any way to list up all current sessions like I have done when it was file driver.
The question is: How to list up all sessions IDs when using redis as a session driver?
The following is the code that I have used when session driver was file:
public function signoutAllUsers(Request $request,$sesId=null){
if ($sesId == session()->getId()){
$dir = storage_path().'/framework/sessions';
$files = scandir($dir);
foreach ($files as $file){
if ($file == session()->getId() || strpos($file,'.') !== false){
//echo "ggg";
catch(\Exception $e){
return $e;
$request->session()->flash('msg',__('All users have been signed out successfully'));
return redirect('/method/create');
return redirect('/method/create');
I have found a limited solution that depends on Redis
facade method command
However, it returns output looks like:
array:4 [▼
0 => "laravel:cav17Job1_7l46wAdE2--__"
1 => "laravel:cav17Job1_7l46wAdE2--_"
2 => "laravel:WwerTYmw2VNAfR5nKj3OOGBp2hKytSBK4MWMJ2P9"
3 => "laravel:12tyuwzoFhXPM4f6w4yRPxrYywPon4W41neq6gu"
The above output contains both sessions ids and other cache entries, in my application I am using Redis for cache too.
The question becomes, How could I give sessions stored in redis, different key other than laravel
which is the cache key?