I'm wanting to build a GUI for a Ruby application I maintain using Shoes, but one of the things I'd like to do is be able to display network graphs using the D3 javascript library. After some Googling, I presume it's not possible to embed javascript in a Shoes app. Does anyone know if it's possible to open a browser window from a Shoes app, or better yet embed a browser window within a window in my Shoes app?
Sure, you didn't mension the color of shoes so i'll use my favorite, green shoes
require 'green_shoes'
Shoes.app do
gem 'watir'
chrome_proc = Proc.new {
require 'watir'
browser = Watir::Browser.new :chrome
para link("Go to google", &chrome_proc)
Embedding a browser window.. I wish it could but i'd be suprised.. But you could use watir (html) as your gui all the way.
Here another way based on your comment, this is on windows but i'm sure you will know how to tranpose this to a Mac.
require 'green_shoes'
Shoes.app do
proc = Proc.new {
system('"C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" http://www.google.be')
para link("Go to google", &proc)