Reading title of Graph

2019-07-27 22:07发布


Using Google Script, is it possible to read the title of a graph in google spreadsheets?

What I like to do is to place a specific graph from Google Spreadsheet into a Google Document in a specific location.

So far I can place a graph from Google Spreadsheet into a Google Document in a prespecified location. However, I do not yet control which graph comes where.

function test() {
  var Grafieken = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getCharts();
  var targetDoc = DocumentApp.openById(DOC_id);
  var DBody = targetDoc.getBody();
  var Grafiek;
  for (var i in Grafieken)
    Grafiek = Grafieken[i];
    var locatie =  DBody.findText('%Grafiek'+i+'%').getElement().getParent().asParagraph().appendInlineImage(Grafiek);


For the script to work for me, I need to know which graph is which. I thought, that would be the easiest way to maintain to use the Graph Title for this. Any suggestions?


To get the chart title use the call getOptions().get('title').

Check the code bellow

function test() {
  var Grafieken = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getCharts();
  var targetDoc = DocumentApp.openById(DOC_id);
  var DBody = targetDoc.getBody();
  var Grafiek;
  for (var i in Grafieken)
    Grafiek = Grafieken[i];

   // Get chart title 
   var charTitle = Grafiek.getOptions().get("title");

   var locatie =  DBody.findText('%'+charTitle+'%').getElement().getParent().asParagraph().appendInlineImage(Grafiek);
