I'm making a program in VB6, and I can't properly loop through a String dictionary.
I've tried both ways of accesssing a value in the collection. Collection(Key)
, and Collection.Item(Key)
Dim line As Variant
Dim thismsg As New Collection
Dim thissection As String
For Each line In Split(NetRcv, vbLf)
If Left(line, 3) = "BLK" Then
thissection = Right(line, Len(line) - 3)
MsgBox thissection
GoTo nctlrParseLoopNext
End If
If Left(line, 3) = "BND" Then
Exit For
End If
Dim key, value As String
key = Left(line, InStr(line, " "))
value = Right(line, InStr(line, " "))
thismsg.Add key, value
Next line
Dim member As Variant
For Each member In thismsg
MsgBox member
MsgBox thismsg(member)
Next member
The string in NetRcv
is the following:
BLK modeswitch
mode codeslave
I expect to see this sequence of MsgBoxes ...
... with possibly trailing spaces somewhere. I see the first two, and then it errors with
Run-time error '5':
Invalid procedure call or argument
I don't understand why this error occurs.
is the key, correct?
If it is, then there's no reason this error should pop up.