I am using lua 5.3 from my C/C++ game to allow certain parts of its behavior to be scripted.
From the C++ program, every frame I call the lua function main
in the following manner:
lua_getfield(VMState, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "main");
int result = lua_pcall(VMState, 0, 0, 0);
I expect the script to define a function called main
, which does a bunch of stuff. For example, I can have a script that does something like this:
local f = function()
draw_something({visible = true, x = 0, y = 0})
main = function()
is a callback to the C code, which does something interesting with the parameters passed:
lua_getfield(VMState, 1, "visible");
bool visible = (bool)lua_toboolean(VMState, 2); lua_pop(VMState, 1);
if (!visible)
// Do some other stuff
Of interest, is that by the time this callback is called, the anonymous table I passed as a parameter to do_something
in the lua side, is now at stack position 1, so I can call lua_getfield()
from the C side, to access the "visible"
field, and do something with it.
This works pretty well, and I've done lots of stuff like this for years.
Now, I want to convert the lua call to f
to a coroutine, so I do something like this from the lua side:
local f = function()
draw_something({visible = true, x = 0, y = 0})
local g = coroutine.create(function()
while true do
main = function()
The result should be the same. However, it now turns out that by moving the call to draw_something()
inside a coroutine, the parameter I had passed to the function, which should have been a table, is now a thread? (lua_istable()
returns 0, while lua_isthread()
returns 1).
Interestingly, it doesn't matter how many parameters I pass to my function: 0, 1, 4, 50, from inside the callback I'm only getting one parameter, and it is a thread.
For some reason, this is happening with some functions that I exported, but not all. I can't see any difference in the way I'm exporting the different functions though.
Is there any reason why lua would switch my parameters to a thread?