I am trying to make a call from a specific sim on a dual sim phone (SIM 0 and SIM 1) using adb and I can't figure out how to direct the call to that particular sim slot. So far, I have tried making a call using the following command:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.CALL -d tel:XXXXXXXXXX
This works fine, but it always calls using SIM 0.
I tried using radiooptions as:
adb shell radiooptions
but it turns out, radiooptions is not supported on this particular device.
/system/bin/sh: radiooptions: not found
I did try it on another device, which is not dual sim, and radiooptions seems to work on that. That was the whole reason I was trying out radiooptions in the first place because it has a very clear cut implementation for selecting specific sim cards.
Anyways, I found the following questions for dual sim android phones, but they are not adb based. they are all Java questions.
Make call using a specified SIM in a Dual SIM Device
Call from second sim
They seem to help and give some clues as to how it can be done,especially this one:
SO Answer for changing SIM
This is very close to what I need, but I don't know how to convert this into a command prompt friendly code.
The method "intent" used in the above links has a documentation here:
Multi sim android official documentation: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-5.1.html#multisim
Any help is greatly appreciated.