Below is how i initialize and emit but i dont find any errors nor do my server listening, receives any events.
const io = require('')({
// path: do i need this ?
port: redisUri.port,
pub: pub, // is the key required to be the same as the app ?
sub: sub, // is the key required to be the same as the app ?
io.emit('test', 'test'})
i tried many variations, can someone enlighten me how can i debug this ?
ive tried to add a redis href before the object as well.
I found the error,
the issue was with the pub and sub sockets
here's the solution :
var pub = redisPassword ? redis.createClient(6379, localhost, {return_buffers: true, auth_pass: redisPassword}) : undefined;
var sub = redisPassword ? redis.createClient(6379, localhost, {detect_buffers: true, return_buffers: true, auth_pass: redisPassword}) : undefined;
socketio.adapter(require('')({ host: localhost, port: 6379, pubClient: pub, subClient: sub }));
this was the issue :
instead of having it at undefined for the checking of password, I created another client, it was easier to set it to default. Please do let me know if I could improve my code. Thank you.