ROC curve using prebability of predicted class

2019-07-27 12:34发布


I need to draw ROC curve using the predicted probabilities for two class problem. The need is to use different cutoff in probabilities to generate the ROC curve.

I am predicting class probabilities using random forest

mydata<-read.table(file="", header=TRUE, sep ="")
mydata$class <- as.factor(mydata$class)
mydata.rf<-randomForest(class ~ ., data=mydata,  importance = TRUE, mtry = 3, ntree = 100, proximity = TRUE )

Prediction on test data using above forest


I now have a data file now with true class label and predicted probabilities for test data. I need to generate ROC curve using different cutoff (say 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9) in probabilities. How to go about it?


I would do the following:

roc(mytestdata$class, testpred, plot = TRUE)

标签: r roc