I'm working on a project(PHP Based) in which I need to compute SHA1, I'm using this line of code to generate SHA1 in PHP.
$da = file_get_contents("payload.txt");
echo sha1($da);
and this is the code for the .Net
private static string GetSHA1(string text)
UnicodeEncoding UE = new UnicodeEncoding();
byte[] hashValue;
byte[] message = UE.GetBytes(text);
SHA1Managed hashString = new SHA1Managed();
string hex = "";
hashValue = hashString.ComputeHash(message);
foreach (byte x in hashValue)
hex += String.Format("{0:x2}", x);
return hex;
But I'm confused because both of languages generate different results, I'm not provide any salt in both of them(as I don't know what to use in salt b/c the api didn't defined that)
I also need to work on RSA after that(I've a key for the encryption) Also Can anyone tell, does these algorithms differ due to languages or any thing I'm missing???
Need some experts opinion on this
this is the whole Algorithm to generate SHA1 and RSA encryption
class MyEncryption
public $pubkey = '...public key here...';
public $privkey = '...private key here...';
public function encrypt($data)
if (openssl_private_encrypt($data, $encrypted, $this->pubkey))
$data = base64_encode($encrypted);
throw new Exception('Unable to encrypt data. Perhaps it is bigger than the key size?');
return $data;
public function decrypt($data)
if (openssl_private_decrypt(base64_decode($data), $decrypted, $this->privkey))
$data = $decrypted;
$data = '';
return $data;
$enc = new MyEncryption();
$enc->pubkey = file_get_contents("server.key");
$payload = file_get_contents("payload1.txt");//payload1.txt contain xml data
$hashRes = sha1($payload,true);
echo $enc->encrypt($hashRes);
Thanks alot