I'm missing something simple I think, but been at it for days now without solving this. Even Started to create a "work-around" just to solve it for now, but still want to solve this the "right" way. Any suggestions? Thank's!
The problem:
Seems to be missing the class Adealer (get error "-[Adealer objectAtIndex:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x8c5f8b0"), but I did the import Adealer.h to this "detailsVC". But it's not just a simple error of naming the property wrong (objectForKey:@"CustName"
instead of "custname" etc - tested this a lot).
Also, I've got similar "listVC"s without a class like Adealer in them, that also transfer data the same way to the same "detailsVC" and they work just fine! Then I just get the data with calls like;
self.labelRestName.text = [restDetails objectForKey:@"CustName"];
I got a tableViewController "listVC" that creates the data and show a list, then a ViewController "detailsVC" to show the details. The data (selected row object in "listVC" is transfered via a seque and "destVC.restGPSTransfer" (NSDictionary). The data arrives ok in the "detailsVC" and looks like this in the terminal;
dealerName = Uppsala Centrum Test
dealerAdressStreet = Dragarbrunnsgatan 55
dealerAdressZip = 75320
dealerAdressCity = Uppsala
dealerLongitude = 17.63893
dealerLatitude = 59.85856
dealerDistance2 = 8586398.000000
Following the data:
1) First fetching data from web via a AFNetworking json object into an NSMutableArray "restFeed" - ok.
2) Then creating my own data to an NSMutableArray within this loop into a NSMutableArray "updatedDealers" - ok;
NSMutableArray *updatedDealers = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
while (i+1 < [_restFeed count]) {
// Get dealer position function here
// Get distance function here
// Then create my own data here (also #imported Adealer to "listVC";
Adealer *theDealer = [[Adealer alloc]init];
theDealer.dealerName = [[_restFeed objectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:@"CustName"];
theDealer.dealerLongitude = [[_restFeed objectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:@"long"];
theDealer.dealerLatitude = [[_restFeed objectAtIndex:i]objectForKey:@"lat"];
theDealer.dealerDistance2 = theDistance;
// etc...
// Check if data ok
NSLog(@"theDealer = %@",[theDealer description]);
// Don't add dealer object without positiondata to the new array
if (![theDealer.dealerLatitude isEqualToString:@""]) {
[updatedDealers addObject:theDealer];
3) Then I use NSSortdescriptor to sort the dealers in NSMutableArray "updatedDealers" into distance order and finally creates the new NSMutableArray "restFeed" with this; (also did "@synthesize dealerFeed = _dealerFeed;
" in "listVC") - ok.
_dealerFeed = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:sortedContestArray];
4) The populating some tableViewCells with this array and it works just fine - ok.;
cell.cellDealerName.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[[_dealerFeed objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]dealerName]];
5) In the function didSelectRowAtIndexPath transfer the selected object with the "detailsVC"'s NSDictionary "restGPSTransfer" - ok;
destVC.restGPSTransfer = [_dealerFeed objectAtIndex:myIndexPath.row];
6) The data seems to transfer ok (se top of this post) but when trying to call the data with;
self.labelRestName.text = [restGPSTransfer objectForKey:@"dealerName"];
I get this error and the app crashes: "-[Adealer objectAtIndex:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x8c5f8b0".
Some more testing done...
Tried to verify the structure + it's keys and properties of the NSDictionary "restGPSTransfer", but using description only got me so far. And have not solved my problem and I still get the "unrecognized selector" error. Could it maybe have become dictionaries within dictionary's or something?
Constructed this little simple if-test to see if the property is really there. But I have to check every property "manually". There's propably a smarter way to check the hole NSDictionary / NSArray?
if ([restGPSTransfer objectForKey:@"dealerName"]) {
NSLog(@"= YES! key exists.");
} else {
NSLog(@"= Nope! key don't exists");
THANK'S for any help on this :-)
UPDATE the Adealer class files;
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface Adealer : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerName;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerAdressCity;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerAdressStreet;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerAdressZip;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber * dealerID;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerImages;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerLogo;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerMail;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerProducts;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerTel;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerText;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerWeb;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerLongitude;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * dealerLatitude;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *dealerDistance;
@property float dealerDistance2;
#import "Adealer.h"
@implementation Adealer
@synthesize dealerAdressCity, dealerAdressStreet, dealerAdressZip, dealerID, dealerImages, dealerLogo;
@synthesize dealerMail, dealerName, dealerProducts, dealerTel, dealerText, dealerWeb;
@synthesize dealerLongitude, dealerLatitude, dealerDistance,dealerDistance2;
- (NSString *)description {
// Added extension of description
NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString string];
[string appendString:@"\ntheDealer object and it's properties:\n"];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerName = %@\n", dealerName];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerAdressStreet = %@\n", dealerAdressStreet];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerAdressZip = %@\n", dealerAdressZip];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerAdressCity = %@\n", dealerAdressCity];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerTel = %@\n", dealerTel];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerMail = %@\n", dealerMail];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerWeb = %@\n", dealerWeb];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerLogo = %@\n", dealerLogo];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerImages = %@\n", dealerImages];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerText = %@\n", dealerText];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerProducts = %@\n", dealerProducts];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerLongitude = %@\n", dealerLongitude];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerLatitude = %@\n", dealerLatitude];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerDistance = %@\n", dealerDistance];
[string appendFormat:@"dealerDistance2 = %f\n\n", dealerDistance2];
return string;