I've wrote a class wrapping a grid controls. I want to init the custom grid class when it is created by calling Create function.
Is there a way that i can catch the event?
I've wrote a class wrapping a grid controls. I want to init the custom grid class when it is created by calling Create function.
Is there a way that i can catch the event?
Yes, if CWnd:Create or Cwd:CreateEx is used, it is possible to catch the Win32 event with:
afx_msg int OnCreate(
See CWnd::OnCreate
With the corresponding mapping:
Attention: If your control is directly added on a dialog template by the designer (ie, using DDX), the function CWnd:.OnCreate() is not called.
In all cases, the following function is called at creation, after the Hwnd (handle of window) is initialized:
virtual void PreSubclassWindow( );
See PreSubclassWindow
Best regards, Alain