In order to deploy Varnish with a Puppet class, I need stop Varnish for move and deploy files, then at the end, ensure that Varnish is started.
My problem is simple, how I can define twice a service in a Puppet class, in order to stop or start the service at differents steps ?
class varnish::install (
service { "varnish":
ensure => "stopped",
require => Package['varnish'],
before => Exec['mv-lib-varnish'],
service { "varnish":
ensure => "running",
require => File["$varnishncsa_file"],
I've an Duplicate definition: Service[varnish] (...)
error, and it's logical...
What's the best practice to manage services in a Puppet class ? Divide in multiple classes, or there is an option for "rename" a service for declare it several times ?