I can't import tensorflow in pycharm, it raises the following error:
ImportError: Could not find 'cudart64_90.dll'. TensorFlow requires that this DLL be installed in a directory that is named in your %PATH% environment variable. Download and install CUDA 9.0 from this URL: https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit
I checked this cudart file and its added in %PATH%
It is working on CLI and python shell perfectly.
I have
CUDA v9.0
cuDNN v7.0.5
tensorflow-gpu v1.9
echo %PATH%
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v9.0\bin;
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v9.0\libnvvp;
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v9.0\extras\CUPTI\libx64;
Directory of cudar64_90.dll:
07/27/2018 02:53 PM <DIR> .
07/27/2018 02:53 PM <DIR> ..
09/02/2017 03:45 PM 163,840 bin2c.exe
07/27/2018 02:28 PM <DIR> crt
05/16/2018 11:18 PM 55,161,856 cublas64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:45 PM 347,136 cuda-memcheck.exe
09/02/2017 03:45 PM 3,930,112 cudafe++.exe
09/02/2017 03:45 PM 4,226,048 cudafe.exe
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 299,520 cudart32_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 373,760 cudart64_90.dll
11/16/2017 07:51 PM 286,877,184 cudnn64_7.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 131,197,952 cufft64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 199,680 cufftw64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 3,575,808 cuinj32_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 4,495,360 cuinj64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:45 PM 1,411,072 cuobjdump.exe
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 48,057,344 curand64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 75,222,016 cusolver64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 54,782,464 cusparse64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:45 PM 246,784 fatbinary.exe
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 1,274,880 gpu-library-advisor.exe
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 205,824 nppc64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 9,744,384 nppial64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 3,953,664 nppicc64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 1,035,264 nppicom64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 7,291,392 nppidei64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 55,641,088 nppif64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 26,491,904 nppig64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 4,767,232 nppim64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 14,943,232 nppist64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 179,200 nppisu64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 2,629,120 nppitc64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 9,024,512 npps64_90.dll
05/16/2018 11:18 PM 241,664 nvblas64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:45 PM 325,632 nvcc.exe
09/02/2017 03:45 PM 328 nvcc.profile
09/02/2017 03:45 PM 16,261,120 nvdisasm.exe
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 15,747,584 nvgraph64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:45 PM 7,202,304 nvlink.exe
09/02/2017 03:45 PM 4,005,376 nvprof.exe
09/02/2017 03:45 PM 181,248 nvprune.exe
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 3,182,592 nvrtc-builtins64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 17,302,016 nvrtc64_90.dll
09/02/2017 03:46 PM 53 nvvp.bat
05/16/2018 11:16 PM 7,082,496 ptxas.exe