Mongrel on windows with rails3

2019-07-27 04:52发布


I am deploying a rails 3 application on a windows machine and I wan to run the app on mongrel. I have installed mongrel manually (not through bundler). I didn't installed it through bundler because when I tried it, it errors

Fetching source index for

Could not reach rubygems repository Could not find gem mongrel <>=0, runtime in any of the source

So I downloaded .gem and installed.

But bundler still looks to fetch it from the repository. Also, when I try to start server using "rails server mongrel" it says

no such file to load - mongrel


I have a similar setup that works now for me. Here are the details:

  • I installed Ruby 1.9.2 (ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18) [i386-mingw32])
  • I installed Mongrel through Gem (mongrel (1.2.0.pre2 x86-mingw32). It is necessary to take here the version 1.2.0.pre2, because the 1.1.x versions don't work with Rails 3.
  • I added the line gem 'mongrel', '1.2.0.pre2' to the Gemfile in my Rails application.

I start the server with rails s, and it takes Mongrel as a default. See the similar question LoadError running Mongrel with Rails3 and Ruby 1.9.2

Hope the same setup works for you as well.